Role of Social Media in Empowering Women Entrepreneurs of Small-Scale Industries
Women Entrepreneurs, Small Scale Industries, contribution of social mediaAbstract
The paper aims at the study of contributing role of social commerce in promoting women entrepreneurship in small scale industries to raise the scope of financial empowerment of women. Evolution of women from just being the home makers to transforming into empowered women in various fields proving not less to be competent than men. Optimistic perspectives of reformative eminent legendary personalities have paved a way for such a great transition. Women have just come out from the clutches being bonded to kitchens, home making etc. to raise up their efficient skills in contributing to the development and progress of community, society, region and nation in almost all the fields. Women entrepreneurship one amongst such an evolutionary prospect and setting up of small-scale industries by making women as entrepreneurs is a great positive move that improves the credibility of women empowerment. In course of promoting the business activities the mode social commerce transcended rapidly innovative in enhancing the endeavors of women entrepreneurs of SSIs to enlarge and expand their business territories virtually and raise their scope of profitability and ensure longevity of business. Women supported not only by family but also by the social media influencers as they keep on track of promoting these entrepreneurs as a part of their daily routine and fantasy. Various social commerce platforms have made ease of access to women in reaching out customers to know the tastes and preferences and also feedback after giving their products and services. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 15-250 words.
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